Kemilux H-80 Water Based Degreaser

Kemilux H-80 water based degreaser

H-80 is an effective water based degreasing and cleaning agent to dissolve oil, fat, tar and asphalt. H-80 is a water-based degreasing agent with a cleaning effect. H-80 is the perfectsolution for large surfaces like workshop and factory floors, cars and machine parts.

For more demanding tasks H-79 by Kemilux is recommended. H-79 is a concentrated oil-based degreasing agent effective in cleaning up lubrication compounds.

H-80 is recommended for:

  • Machine parts
  • Metal surfaces
  • Asphalt stains
  • Vehicles
  • Factory or workshop floors



Available in the following sized containers:
  • 20 ltr/kg
  • 220 ltr/kg barrels
  • 1000 ltr/kg IBC's
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